I'm sad that

I’m sad that…

I’m sad that people are hurting.

I’m sad that dignity is misunderstood.

I’m sad that truth is hidden behind lies.

I’m sad that common sense is uncommon.

I’m sad that leadership is lacking.

I’m sad that politicians speak without action.

I’m sad that governments choose authority over solutions.

I’m sad that corporations choose greed over humanity.

I’m sad that media chooses censorship and agendas.

I’m sad that I’m distrustful of institutions that should be trusted.

I’m sad that selfishness prevails.

I’m sad that there is darkness that overshadows goodness.

I’m sad that tragedy is answered with hate.

I’m sad that violence is seen as a solution.

I’m sad that division is promoted.

I’m sad that belief in one another is difficult.

I’m sad that my heart is broken.

… Let’s move from sadness.

… Let’s listen.

… Let’s love.

Let’s learn.

Let’s change.

Let’s unite!

(Written after global events of May, 2020)