About René Boecking

I believe as humans we are inherently curious and from early childhood I was no exception. At a young age I was drawn to and intrigued by nature and wildlife. As a child I also started exploring creativity through sketching and drawing and this allowed my imagination to run wild. In my teenage years a desire and curiosity developed where I wanted to better understand humanity, God and what true wisdom is.

These areas have driven much of my adult life professionally and in my recreational activities. In the more recent years I experienced some major health setbacks culminating with a stroke. Some of my symptoms seemed inexplicable and difficult to overcome so hence my desire to understand health on a deeper level was born.

We are all defined by what drives us. Creativity, nature, God’s wisdom and health are what drive me and continue to push me to explore them more. This has led me to build a platform where I can document these explorations. Explore with René is the “handle” I use to document this adventure.

When we explore we become more of who we are meant to be. Let’s embrace what makes us unique and share this gift and make this world a better place.

Let’s explore, inspire and empower!

René Boecking Signature

René Boecking